La La Land
Way on back, when I was a child
My teacher at school would try to beguile, me
from whatever it was going on inside my head
She probably said if you don't concentrate
You're going to fall behind all your classmates
but I never really listened to a word she said
Because in my own world is where I like to stay
Sunshine, clear blue sky, each and every day
No worry, no stress
just 8 hours of recess
it's not ADD or a short attention span
I'm just living life out here in La La Land
Now I'm grown up, but not much has changed
just drifting through life, playing and singing
the songs I make up inside my head
My momma said "Son, you ever look for work?
You could make decent money at the bank as a clerk"
but I never really listened to a word she said
Because in my own world is where I like to stay
Sunshine, clear blue sky, each and every day
No reason, no rhyme
just whatever I feel like at the time
because I never was one for making plans
I'm just living life out here in La La Land
I don't watch the news because it's all sad
and politics seem to make folks mad
so I don't let that stuff trouble my mind
but if the weight of your world starts bringing you down
just come on over and I'll show you around
a little place that I call mine
Because in my own world is where I like to stay
Sunshine, clear blue sky, each and every day
With our feet on the ground and our heads in the sky
you can kiss all your earthly troubles goodbye
and we'll float through life hand and hand
Just living our lives out here in La La Land
Living life in La La Land