Never Been More Beautiful
No time for makeup, no time for hair
No time to get dressed, baby I don’t care
You’re chasing around a toddler
With a baby on your hip
Worried about your weight, worried about your scars
I’m not worried about nothing, I love you just the way you are
I wish you could see
You’ve never been more beautiful to me
You’ve never been more beautiful to me
You’ve never been more beautiful to me
Oh how I wish that I could make you see
That you’ve never been more beautiful to me
All those little imperfections that motherhood endues
Could never change the way I see you
They are just reminders of all we’ve been through
So where you see lines, I see your smile
Where you see stretch marks, I see our child
Through it all, you know all I see is you
Beauty isn’t fleeting
Love isn’t blind
Love is the barrel
And beauty is the wine
And my cup runneth over
And gets deeper with time